Klik tombol di bawah ini untuk melakukan instalasi baru atau memperbarui yang ada Internet Download Manager IDM addon .
Versi ini akan selalu up-to -date dan harus bekerja dengan arus Firefox versi beta dan versi sebelumnya .
Compatible with Firefox 28 beta, Firefox 27, 26 and older versions. IDM cc version: IDM CC 7.3.68
MD5 checksum: b1ce187bd2b8d39efc2061fc48967000
Cara Install / Update
Ini hanya membutuhkan beberapa klik mouse ( keystrokes jika Anda kutu buku ) untuk menginstal atau memperbarui addon . Cukup ikuti langkah-langkah berikut .
- Click the "Install" tombol di atasFirefox akan meminta Anda untuk menginstal Firefox addon
- Click "Allow" to this web site to install the addon in your browser Don't worry - it's simply safe and only provides IDM integration to your buddy.
- Keep looking at the progress bar While your browser is downloading the addon, look at this beautiful Firefox Cup Cake!
- Click the "Install Now" button You will probably need to wait a few seconds until the "Install Now" button to activate.
- Restart Firefox Make sure you have finished all your work and click the Restart button. This will restart Firefox (duh) with the latest version of IDM cc addon installed.
- That's it! Go to Firefox > Addons to make sure that the IDMcc Addon is installed and enabled!
- Sumber :http://getidmcc.com/
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